Exhibition: In the Margins: Tales from a Peri Vale, Horsenden

In the Margins: Tales from a Peri Vale is a five-part, fifteen-minute audio (stranger-than) fiction series encouraging us to read…or listen…between the (border) lines. This project is the result of my summer-long residency at @perivalehive and a longer preoccupation with edges....

The pages unfold from Perivale Library in Perivale, a curious building in an extraordinary periurban neighbourhood on the periphery of London. Here, multiple ecologies meet and mingle with each other opening new perispectives of where built environments and seeded environments begin and end. Five stories embrace the strangeness, mystery and possibility...

Visitors are encouraged to search the margins of the library to locate photographic objects which act as ‘triggers’ for each chapter of the story. Alternatively, cosy up in the living room to listen to the full story.

Come down to the ‘Hive this Friday 8th from 6.30pm to experience the work ahead of the monthly silent movie night. After that the work is available to experience during library opening hours Tuesday’s 9-5, Wednesday’s 9.30-5, Thursday’s 9.30-2 and Saturday’s 10-2.


Event: Blackheath Rising Up with The Walking Trees Collective


Press: Slow Ways and London National Park City