Installation: Dia(log)ues with Dead Wood @ Stanmore Country Park

What can dead wood teach us about “waste”? How does it challenge what we think of as “dead” and “alive”? What could it teach us about living in relationship with each other? There is still time to check out the alternative walking trail of Greater Stanmore Country Park (North West London) where instead of looking to the treetops, you look down to the forest floor! Not only is dead wood an essential part of the ecosystem but its very existence and processes of decay and decomposition offers inspiration and wisdom for building more co-flourishing relationships with our ecology in states of ruin. I have identified eight particularly thought-provoking specimens. You’ll find a metal plaque placed next to them which is your cue to take notice and pay attention to these overlooked pieces of forest ecology. This temporary installation is the off-site extension of my Goldsmiths MA Art and Ecology project “Grove”.
>> Link to read more


Event: B|T|W||N THE L|AV|S: A Critical De/Compost Reading Group @ The Mayday Rooms, Wed 7 Sep 2.00pm-4.00pm


Collaboration: Art Boards at The Horniman Museum & Gardens